Saturday, December 19, 2009

How can I get a perfume scent out of a garment that is Dry Clean only, without taking to the cleaners..?

There's a product called Dryell. you can pick it up about anywhere. You just toss your garment and dryell in the dryer... it's designed to freshen up dryclean only clothes!How can I get a perfume scent out of a garment that is Dry Clean only, without taking to the cleaners..?
Put few pieces of charcoal (about one lb.) on the floor of the wardwobe, keep the wardrobe closed for 24 hours. All foul smell or perfume will be removed. Try it.How can I get a perfume scent out of a garment that is Dry Clean only, without taking to the cleaners..?
Put it in the dryer inside dry cleaning bag
Tumble in the dryer with no heat and a fabric softener sheet with good scent. One other option is to hang outside in the fresh air.
Are u a cheating guy or a girl? Cuz either really shouldnt need to know that! If you're a could be a lesbian..which even though I find that REALLY hot...It is still wrong if you are with a guy that you are in a serious relationship with....However..if none of the above are the case, then I would try Mountain Fresh Scent ALL. My girl uses it...and somehow it got the scent ';KIND OF'; out of a shirt that a NASTY *** DOG layed on constantly...It seriously smelled like death itself. Or OUST. I hated that dog....
If not leather, spray a lite mist of vinegar and let it hang in the sun and fresh air---it will be odor free.Spray bothsides......
Febreeze! Good luck!
Put a scent that is different, maybe even just fabric softener sheets in the dryer or a scent on a cloth and put on no heat and let it go in there. Usually letting it air out in the sun for a while is good enough also. Turning it inside out may help the fabric too.
try hanging it in the fresh air but if the oil from the perfume is in the garment, it will have to be dry cleaned.
use buck scent they sell at walmart in the hunting section. it overpowers pet oders and anything else. i work in a hog plant and my old lady puts it on my stinked up clothes and boots. lot better than those little rosey scent aerosols they sell at the grocery store. Snort is a good buck scent to buy.

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